Magazine features

I have been writing monthly columns as the in-house Technique Editor of Digital Photographer magazine for nearly 3 years now. Next to that, both my written and photographic content was published in various countries including the UK, Germany, and The Netherlands.

My focus is on teaching photography and providing insights into all aspects of this art form. In my tutorials, I explain the technical aspects of photography in a manner that is convenient to understand for both amateurs and professionals, and I aim to showcase the possibilities that photography offers.

In my interviews and collaborations with professional photographers, I delve deeper into the stories behind their images and discuss their photographic approaches and challenges. This not only serves to entertain and inform the reader but also provides an opportunity to learn from the experiences of others.

**Please note that this section is currently being updated. If you have any questions please get in touch via email**

  • From issue 256 (07/22) to this date

    Monthly columns:

    • Practical tutorials

    • Image analyses

    • Interviews

    • A 13-page, detailed guide to learning different photographic genres

  • 02/2024 - Street Smarts - Pro tips for capturing striking candid shots of real life and everyday scenes featuring Jamie Canning

    01/2024 - Winning Mentality - Kick start your creativity with expert advice from award-winning photographers featuring Jon Enoch, Finn O’Hara, Mario Tarantino and Mik Dogherty

    01/2024 - Freeze Frames - Pro Tips for capturing stunning wildlife images in harsh winter environments featuring Reed Miller

    12/2023 - People Power - 5 pro portrait techniques to help you capture images with impact featuring Pete Jobson

    11/2023 - Get It Right In - Camera - Master key settings to nail every shot featuring Jignesh Chavda

    10/2023 - Natural-light Masterpieces - Harness the ultimate light source for stunning images in any conditions featuring Ryszard Lomnicki and Chloe Price

    09/2023 - Master Urban Architecture - Pro tips for combining the old with the new to capture cityscapes featuring Natalia Zmyslowska and Jacek Durski

    09/2023 - Travel Light - Pro tips for capturing images of your adventures with minimal kit

    08/2023 - Galaxy Quest - Pro tips for shooting stunning starscapes featuring Ralf Rohner

    07/2023 - Sea Views - Learn how to capture seascapes and coastal scenes, interview with Paul Killeen

    06/2023 - Phone It In - Out and about without your usual camera kit? Harness the pixel power of your smartphone featuring Himanshu Roy

    04/2024 - Telephoto Techniques - Discover how you can get creative, as well as getting closer to subjects, with long lenses featuring Michael Eastwell and Phil Hay

    03/2023 - Urban Wildlife - Pro tips for capturing animal images on your doorstep featuring Simon Roy, interview with Sam Hobson

    02/2023 - Pet Projects - Pro Tips for capturing intimate and engaging portraits of cats and dogs featuring Elke Vogelsang

    01/2023 - Long Shots - Pro techniques for capturing creative images with slow shutter speeds featuring Stephen Ross and Roy Cruz, interview with Christoph Schaarschmidt

  • 04/2023 - SPECIAL Moderne Porträtfotografie - Das PP-Porträt-Quartett: Interview with Stephie Braun and Jignesh Chavda

    03/2023 - SPOTLIGHT Moderne Cowboys - Interview with Anouk Masson Krantz

    02/2023 - SPOTLIGHT Eiskalte Leidenschaft - Interview with wildlife photographer Jonas Beyer

    01/2023 - SPOTLIGHT Die Essenz der Jugend einfangen - Interview with portrait photographer Hellen van Meene, - SPECIAL Vorsicht, Fashion! Finden Sie Ihren Stil von Beauty bis High-Fashion - In-depth fashion photography guide with pro photographers Liselotte Fleur, Stephie Braun and Siân Elizabeth

  • Germany:

    03/2024 - GROSSES SPEZIAL: Urban, Kreativ, Innovativ - In-depth guide urban architecture featuring my Bachelor work and Jacek Durski, - FOTOPROJEKT: Malerische Unschaerfe - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to shoot through objects, - fotoPRO BUSINESS: On Location - Buehnen Portraets featuring Vince Preston, - BILDANALYSEN - Image analyses “Gerahmtes Ameisenpaar” by Dzulfikri

    02/2024 - GROSSES SPEZIAL: Kuesten, Fluesse, Seen - In-depth guide seascape photography featuring Paul Killeen, - FOTOPROJEKT: Kunst im Schatten - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to create shadow art with everyday objects, - fotoPRO BUSINESS - Interview with AI-explorer Nancy Poeran,

    01/2024 - GROSSES SPEZIAL: Geniale Bilder bei wenig Licht - In-depth guide low light photography

    12/2023 - GROSSES SPEZIAL: Telezooms: Kreative Allrounder - In-depth guide telephoto lenses featuring Michael Eastwell and Phil Hay, - fotoPRO BUSINESS - Interview with conceptual photographer Dina Goldstein, - BILDANALYSE - Image analysis of “Black Beauty” by Dawn Cotterell

    11/2023 - INTERVIEW - Event and concert photographer James Bridle

    10/2023 - FOTOPROJEKT: Farben in Bewegung - Step-by-step tutorial explaining Intentional Camera Movement (ICM), - FOTOPROJEKT: Echte Farben - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to handle white balance and how to work with a grey card

    09/2023 - SPEZIAL EDITION: 100 Seiten Profi-Tricks - FOODFOTOGRAFIE: Feine Haeppchen - I meet food photographer Nadja Kuschel to discover the secrets behind capturing mouth-watering shots that tell a story, - GEHEIMNISSE DER BILDBEARBEITUNG - New skills and tips to improve your photo editing techniques, - BILDANALYSEN - Image analyses “Tierisch Gut” by Ujjwal Mukherjee, “Raus auf die Strasse” by Michael Eugster, “In Neon getraeumt” by Marcus Morgan, “Gedicht der Stille” by Mostafa Nodeh, “Volle Action” by Phil Hay

    09/2023 - FOTOPROJEKT: Blumen in Bewegung - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to work with second curtain flash to combine still and motion, - fotoPRO BUSINESS: Bilder organisieren - Different storage options for your irreplaceable digital images, - BILDANALYSE - Image analysis of “Nachtleben” by William Dore

    08/2023 - INTERVIEW - UK Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022 Will Davies

    07/2023 - FOTOPROJEKT: Stillleben zum Frühstück - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to capture food with natural light and visual strategy, - INTERVIEW - Street photographer Jignesh Chavda, - fotoPro BUSINESS - Interview with fashion photographer Stephie Braun

    05/2023 - BILDANALSYSE - Image analysis of “Morgen auf dem Land” by Ivan Maigua

    04/2023 - INTERVIEW - Cowboy photographer Anouk Krantz

    03/2023 - INTERVIEW - Wildlife and landscape photographer Jonas Beyer

    02/2023 - INTERVIEW - Portrait photographer Hellen van Meene

    The Netherlands:

    12/2023 - INTERVIEW - Event and concert photographer James Bridle

    10/2023 - FOTOPROJECT: Bloemen in bewegung - Step-by-step tutorial explaining Intentional Camera Movement (ICM), - FOTOPROJECT: Echte kleuren - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to handle white balance and how to work with a grey card

    09/2023 - INTERVIEW - UK Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022 Will Davies

    08/2023 - FOTOPROJECT: Ontbijt-stilleven - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to capture food with natural light and visual strategy

    03/2023 - INTERVIEW - Portrait photographer Hellen van Meene

  • 03/2024 - FOTOPROJEKT: Malerische Unschaerfe - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to shoot through objects

    02/2024 - KNOW HOW & INSPIRATION: Urbane Architektur - In-depth guide urban architecture featuring my Bachelor work and Jacek Durski

    01/2024 - INTERVIEW - Music legend And Summers about his photography

    11/2023 - KNOW HOW & INSPIRATION: Fotografiere Smart - Out and about without your usual camera kit? Harness the pixel power of your smartphone featuring Himanshu Roy

    10/2023 - HOTSHOT - Story behind “Der Hirsch von Bradgate” by Vince Preston  

    09/2023 - INTERVIEW - Event and concert photographer James Bridle

    08/2023 - KNOW-HOW & INSPIRATION: Sterne im Fokus - Pro tips for shooting stunning starscapes featuring Ralf Rohner

    06/2023 - KNOW-HOW & INSPIRATION: Fotografieren mit dem Teleobjektiv - In-depth guide telephoto lenses featuring Michael Eastwell and Phil Hay, - FOTOPROJEKT: Stilleben zum Fruehstueck - Step-by-step tutorial explaining how to capture food with natural light and visual strategy

    05/2023 - KNOW-HOW & INSPIRATION: Warum diese Fotos funktionieren - Various image analyses from portrait to wildlife, action and more, - INTERVIEW - UK Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022 Will Davies

    03/2023 - KNOW-HOW & INSPIRATION: Kreative Porträts von Hund & Katz - Pro Tips for capturing intimate and engaging portraits of cats and dogs featuring Elke Vogelsang, - HOTSHOTS - Story behind “Berliner Perspektive” by Krystian Mietz, - INTERVIEW - Portrait photographer Hellen van Meene  

    01/2023 - KNOW-HOW & INSPIRATION: Fashion Fotografie - In-depth fashion photography guide with pro photographers Liselotte Fleur, Stephie Braun and Siân Elizabeth