Inspiration & Education
Tutorials/ How-to's
Create botanical photo art with microscopic insights
Become a slow shutter speed expert!
Ditch your tripod – try handheld HDR instead!
How to remove distracting elements with long exposures
Create shadow art photography without pro studio lighting
Long exposure flash photography can give you mind blowing results – here's how
Food photo shoot: Learn how to master natural light
ICM photography: How I use Intentional Camera Movement to bring scenes to life
Freeze the motion in your images with this step-by-step tutorial
Speed up your camera work to be as fast as the action in front of your lens
5 things not to do when filmmaking (and 5 you should)
Create professional long-exposure shots after dark with these 10 tips
Shoot action from different perspectives to deliver photos with impact
5-minute photo tips: When to use Noise Reduction
5-minute photo tips: Select in-camera B&W to master mono and keep color
5-minute photo tips: Use Auto HDR and save your exposure struggles!
5-minute photo tips: Customize the White Balance to save yourself time!
Hellen van Meene: Capturing the essence of youth
Alan Schaller: “I’m spoiled with my monochrome camera sensors - color sensors don’t really do it for me, or at least, it’s a fight”
Nancy Poeran: “There’s a misconception that the use of AI is less creative these people don’t want to explore the deeper meaning of the art”
Carol Highsmith: Documenting America for posterity
Bella Kotak: “The Photography Show has nurtured my creative growth”
Will Davies: UK Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022, discusses his images
Maria Munn: The power of oceans
Larry Niehues: Mississippi Dream
Jignesh Chavda: Street is life
Sergio Castiglione: New perspectives on urban photography
Tiffen Black Pro-Mist1/4 review: cinematic light rendering on the go
Tiffen Digital Diffusion FX 1/4 review: clean and smooth
Tiffen Digital HT Ultra Clear filter review: high performance and protection?
Tiffen Circular Polarizer review: handy accessory for big contrast
Tiffen UV Protector filter review: top quality for a small price?
Get to know the different storage options for your irreplaceable digital images
Kodak instant digital cameras: which printing technology is best?
Why not print photos on something other than 'simple' paper?
Digitizing film or prints is something every photographer should consider (and these are the five options to get the job done)
How to extend the life of your photo print so your memories don’t fade away
Drowning in Plastic – this is my critical photographic view on modern society
I get inspired by the charm of minimalistic landscape photography
A photographer's love letter to the chronic illness community
Harrowing scenes: the photographer who documents places of violent crimes
Photographing the majestic grey-crowned crane became my obsession
"On this shoot, the rain and the strong wind were my biggest enemies”
Photographer tells story of capturing shy ‘spotty’ leopard
Street photographer tells how he captures everyday life with a fresh eye
"I had pressed the camera shutter at just the right time"
"Shooting with the model’s eyes closed is vital"
Photographer tells the story of his amazing shot of wallabies fighting on the beach
How I used this special flash photography technique to capture a sparrow in flight
The 4 photographic decisions that take this motorsport shot to the next level
"I don't use any external flash, this image is shot purely with natural light"
"When the ‘Beast from the East’ was predicted to hit the UK, I couldn’t resist shooting this famous landmark"
Urban street photographer reveals his candid capture secrets
“I needed to support the heavy lens whilst sitting in a moving Land Rover"
Discover four key elements that make this stunning photo a success
**Please note that this section is currently being updated. If you have any questions please get in touch via email**